Affiliate Marketing

The Ultimate Toolkit for Achieving Success in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the hardest Internet Marketing Practices to perfect and execute. Here are some great tools and resources to help you out tremendously.

A Great Network
This can make or break your affiliate marketing efforts. You need to find a reputable network or networks to work with. The best of them offer phenomenal tools and information that will help you succeed. Here are the best 5 Networks:

1. A laser-like focus on the little details that matter, smaller affiliates and advertisers service has stamped LinkShare on top for many years.

2. Commission Junction has always been professional, consistent and trusted by top marketers. Its always been a very close competition between CJ and Linkshare and this year it seems to be closer. It a solid second.

Amazon offers very low percentages per sale but its easy to use and get started with especially for newbies. Its massive database of a wide variety of product offerings makes them very popular which can help the sales. They are the most popular of the list.

4. Every Internet Marketers favorite way to get into selling their electronic products like ebooks and software. ClickBank is strong and you are aware of their benefits.

Generates a lot of respect and trust among publishers and advertisers of all backgrounds. This Affiliate network that is commonly perceived as doing things the best way they have to be done.

There you have it, hope they help you out and I wish you success in your efforts.